
Statement From Ofilm
Release time:2020-07-22

As a global leader in technological innovation and advanced high-technology manufacturing, OFILM has always abided by the laws and regulations of the nations where we operate. We treat our employees equally and protect their rights and interests. Every year, multiple times, including in 2020, OFILM has passed independent third-party Corporate Social Responsibility workplace audits organized by our customers, including surprise inspections.

Ofilm employees are never coerced to work for us.

With great respect, we call on the United States to re-examine its recent decision. We look forward to communicating fully with the relevant US government departments. We also look forward to a full airing of the facts and to a just outcome.

 OFILM will continue to do everything required of a responsible employer, vendor and business partner. As now, we will continue to provide our customers with the high-quality products and services their businesses and consumers require. OFILM will also remain a company providing its employees with an open, equitable, friendly and positive working atmosphere, conducive to their personal and professional development.


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