
Release time:2023-04-14

OFILM Group Co., Ltd and its subsidiaries and branches (hereinafter referred to as “OFILM” or the “Company”) adhere to integrity operations, abide by business ethics, comply with applicable laws and regulations. The management of OFILM cherishes the value of compliance and integrity, sticks to the business principle of “Compliance goes first, walking steadily and achieving long-term success”, implements the compliance management measures into the business activities and processes, and is long-term committed to establishing a compliance management system in line with the expectation of stakeholders through continuous investment of resources.

OFILM has set up Compliance Committee as the highest body for company compliance management, responsible for establishing the fundamental compliance management policies, overall planning and coordinating compliance management work. The Chief Compliance Officer is the person who in charging of the Company’s compliance management, leads and supervises and the Company’s compliance affairs, and reports to the Compliance Committee. The compliance department of OFILM takes the lead in the construction and implementation of compliance management system, and is responsible for the effectiveness of compliance management system and keeping continuous optimization. All other business departments of the Company carry out compliance work in their respective fields and assumes responsibilities following the principle that “who dominates business, who is responsible for compliance”. The inspection and audit department are responsible for handing of violations, as well as monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of compliance management system.

OFILM values and continuously improves the compliance awareness and capacity of employees, enables employees to fully understand the compliance obligations and responsibilities of the company and individuals through training, publicity, performance evaluation and accountability to ensure that compliance integrated with every employee’s in behaviors and habits.

We welcome supervision of our partners and other stakeholders. If you find any misconducts by OFILM, please inform us through the following methods:

TEL: 0791-8733 8151

E-mail: compliance@yanheqx.com

OFILM Group Co., Ltd.

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